Sunday, July 13, 2008

Coming to 5th year working in the same company

I am not a person who like to hop from one job to another job or one company to another company. Today, it is the 1st day of my 5th year working in the same company. It has broken my own record. I have been joining the workforce since 1995. I hope it will be the last job as I am still comfortable with the workload, bosses around and colleague. Over the 13 years in my working life, this is only my 4th job.

In 2008, many companies have stopped giving bonuses & increaments. But, my company is still giving those neccessity items for a working class person. Times are bad and I am moving into a new unit. I dare not consider any new job offer.

I am boleh ! I hope i could work for this company another year.


Lifebook said...

You should stay put... you must understand your risk of quitting the current job. :P

Vincent said...

Well, I just work for 5 years, and move for 3 companies already :(. Job hopper huh.. Ya, time is pretty bad now.. Hope get better and not to fall into crisis..